Your gut is basically a bacterial environment which keeps your body performing basic and complex functions. The microbiome has a hand in how your body responds to hunger and satiety hormones; how you store fat; how the glucose levels in your blood fluctuate; as well as how your body absorbs nutrients. Thanks to recent research studies, there is strong evidence suggesting that the gut plays a role in regulating your mood as well. Given the crucial tasks that your gut performs, it goes without saying that it is in your best interest to have it healthy at all times. Maintaining a healthy gut is determined by what you eat. Some foods can destroy the bacterial environment or gut flora while others can help your body restore bacterial balance in the gut. This article aims to explore 5 natural superfoods that can help you develop a healthy functioning gut.


Yogurt is basically a product of fermented milk through lactic acid bacteria. It is considered to be a very potent probiotic which also happens to be very affordable. Yogurt contains natural probiotics – the good bacteria – that is also found in your gut. Taking natural yogurts regularly will ensure that that the bad bacteria in your gut do not outnumber the good bacteria; hence promoting a healthy bacterial balance in the gut. Note that a lot of yogurt available in the market today is filled with artificial sweeteners, sugars and other additives. When shopping, look for natural Greek yogurts or plain yogurts with no additives.

  1. KEFIR

Kefir resembles yogurt in many ways; however, the only difference is that kefir is made by adding kefir grains to milk. Kefir grains are a collection of bacterial yeasts and not actually a type of grain. This makes it much richer in probiotics. The yeast is then fermented with liquid (milk). The probiotics in kefir’s cultures help in the digestion of lactose thereby relieving some effects of lactose intolerance such as gas, cramping and bloating. Kefir has been proven to decrease inflammation in the gut and promoting efficient digestion and absorption of food. For people with severe lactose intolerance, Kefir can also be taken in the form of coconut Kefir water which is basically just a combination of Kefir grains and coconut water.


Fiber is a key ingredient for proper digestion of food. It is also a prebiotic that is fed on by the bacteria in your gut. According to general dietary guidelines, women should get at least 25 grams of fiber every day. Beans are rich in fiber with some known to contain about 19 grams per cup. Nourishing the good bacteria in the gut ensures that they are thriving and maintaining a healthy bacterial balance for the restoration of mucosal intestinal lining.


Ginger has, for centuries, been used as a remedy for all sorts of digestive issues; from nausea to stomach aches. According to a study published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, ginger speeds up the process that moves food from the stomach into the upper small intestine. This can be very helpful for people suffering from chronic indigestion.


Tempeh is yet another beautiful product of the fermentation process. It is made from fermented soybeans by breaking down sugars through yeast and bacteria. A 2014 study published in the Polish Journal of Microbiology demonstrated that tempeh can increase the population of healthy bacteria, including Lactobacillus. It is therefore another good source of probiotics for protecting your intestinal lining from harmful bacteria.

If, for one reason or another, you are not meeting your probiotics needs through normal dietary consumption, taking natural probiotics supplements will help you get the job done effectively.

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