Only in recent years has science really come to understand the function of the probiotic when it comes to our health. Improved digestion, reduced inflammation, increased B12, K2, beneficial enzymes and T cells (important for immune response) and restored balance of yeast, “bad” and “good” bacteria in the body. The results are in and it looks like, hands-down, we need these beneficial bacteria to live a life of vitality. So why then would I suggest that you should throw those pills away?

First, let me say that I do not suggest that you stop supplements if recommended by your medical provider, but let’s look at some at what science is telling us about these supplements.

Your higher quality and most expensive probiotics claim to have on average about 50 billion viable bacterium (CFUs) and studies do tend to support their claims. This sounds like a lot of bacteria and it is, but when you consider that at any given time a healthy gut holds more bacteria cells than the cells that compose your entire body, is it really? Respected independent scientific studies (the only kind that should concern us) also show that if we are receiving probiotics in the most natural and effective way, we are getting anywhere from 90 to 500 billion CFUs per serving or nearly 100 to 1000% more than we would receive from a capsule.

On top of this, sadly, similar studies found that many of the more “affordable” supplements have as little as 1% of the CFUs that they claimed because the bacteria die when not properly stored and nourished, meaning that, in the scope of things, you are taking a placebo of no real value other than to make you “feel” like you are doing something good for your body.

So, where can you get 100 to 1000% more of these vitality-essential bacteria? I’ll tell you right now. It’s not another supplement.

The best place to get the highest percentage of living, active, beneficial probiotics is in the foods you eat, but these foods are likely not found in your local grocery store. And no, this article is not intended to sell them to you. But it is going to tell you how with just a little effort you can make these at home if you know how. With the right tools, you can make foods that have up to 1000 % more probiotics than high cost supplements. You can make things like probiotic-rich fermented cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, peppers, dairy and much more.

You could be saying to yourself, “I’m certain I have seen pickles and sauerkraut in groceries stores. And what about beer?” This is true. But what you may not realize is that these foods that we think of as fermented have very little in common with the probiotic-rich fermented foods that can be made at home. The former are often heated and made with vinegar or yeast and not the good bacteria that we should be consuming. When you learn how to make these foods at home with higher live probiotic counts, more probiotic diversity and improved “absorption” because you are getting probiotics the natural way, you can experience the true benefits of probiotics that those who are taking supplements are often missing. If you would like to learn more about how you can achieve optimal health by much more affordably making your own probiotic rich foods at home, please visit our website.

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